Rules of Engagement – Networking

I’m currently recruiting a very high level position in NYC. This is building a global sales consulting organization and requires extensive experience. A friend is a well connecte recruiter there, and I asked his help by posting an announcement on a couple of his job seekings discussion board. I’ve gotten some great responses, but yesterday I got one that makes no sense to me. I got a cover letter and resume for someone that is a CAD designer.

Now, the company I am working with doesn’t *use* CAD designers. EVER. It’s a well-known company (Fortune 500). I’m still puzzling why this person sent me his resume and the only thing I can figure out is that he is desperate. And his approach, to shoot his resume and boilerplate cover and resume to me, really left a bad impression.

If he was interested in approaching me for opportunities he is qualified for, he should have sent me an email (my address was included) introducing himself and asking if I by chance know of any opportunities for a CAD designer either with my client or other companies.

It’s all in the approach and delivery. I’m perfectly happy to network and help out when I can, but it’s vital to act professionally and understand the rules of engagement. So when you are making your own networking outreach, please think about who you are contacting and *what you hope to gain from the contact.*

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