Quality Over Quantity

Today I was looking at the applicants for a job I’m recruiting on. And I saw a familiar name. Familiar in that this candidate has applied to *every single job I have been recruiting on for the last six month*. And has multiple profiles in our applicant database (with a very unsual/singular name.) Familiar NOT in a good way.

So here is what happens when recruiters start seeing the same name and resume all the time. They stop looking at it. Seriously, most of us recruit on somewhat similar OR vastly different skill sets. And either way, if this person is applying to hundreds of jobs either A) there is a reason s/he isn’t getting hired B) s/he is lying on their resume C) s/he is desperate. No one person can be qualified for hundreds of jobs across a global company with thousands of openings at any given time.

And believe me, recruiters *do* talk amongst themselves, and if someone is showing up in dozens of searches daily, they get passed along as desperate. When it comes to applying for jobs, we look for *quality not quantity*. It’s the same with having multiple profiles on Monster or sites like LinkedIn. It gives you a shady reputation of someone not to be trusted, fair or not.

This is not a numbers game, believe it or not. You want to be judicious with your efforts. I know a lot of folks are in difficult situations financially, but it’s vital that your professional image remains just that…professional. You are better served networking and working at strengthening your professional circle of peers.

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