Some Resources for Disputes (wage, layoff, discrimination etc.)

Some people out there have been laid off and feel that the circumstances weren’t ‘fair’. I was talking to someone I used to work with. He was laid off from the company he worked for with no reason why. Now, we live in an at-will employment state, which means that either the employer or the employee can leave at any time for no reason. He feels he is still owed some vacation time, which isn’t really worth contacting an attorney, but I suggested he fill out a wage dispute with the WA State Bureau of Labor and Industry.

Since I am in the HR field, I am aware of some of the resources available to both companies and individual, but many people don’t have any idea about how to go about pursuing or even finding these resources.

If you feel you are the victim of any sort of discrimination, the State EEOC office is where you want to start.

The key to any sort of action, be it legal or any other sort of mediated resolution, is documentation. This means you will need copies of correspondences (ie offer letter, performance reviews, separation agreement, termination letter, etc.) Include copies of emails as well. Use all this information to document your case so that an informed decision can be made. Remember that the Unemployment office can also direct you to appropriate resources as well.

Be sure to ask questions about the process, what you can expect at the end of it as far as a resolution, and ask for a full copy of the file and all correspondence with your former employer.

There are resources out there if you look for them.

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