The *Long Distance* Commuter

Last night I was reading an article in Reader’s Digest about the new "migrant" generation; those professionals that have had to take jobs in cities far from their homes and families and commute vast distances/times just so they can pay the bills.

I’ve mentioned before how it may be necessary to consider relocation to find a job in another city due to the economic depression. And, as a recruiter, I’m totally aware of how often it is not an option to move a family or impossible to sell a house in these tough economic times. It is also a sad fact that many companies don’t have any sort of relocation budget for assistance.

So what does this mean to you, the job seeker, that is A) willing to relocate or commute B) able to cover the cost of said move?
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It means that you have a couple of options. The most important thing is that a recruiter considers you a viable candidate that is available for interviews and to start work in a reasonable (2 weeks usually) amount of time. If you live in, say, Detroit and are looking in Chicago, it’s not a big stretch to drive there. But what if you live in Florida and are looking at jobs in Chicago or Seattle or Boston? You are willing to pay for your own ticket to interview and your own relocation expenses, but how do you indicate that to a potential employer?

First of all, do you know anyone in those cities you are targeting that you can "borrow" their local address? (Especially if you can stay with them short-term if you get a job before you have a place to live). If so, just put their address on your resume. Another similar option is to rent a PMB (Personal Mail Box). This is not a PO box, but is similar in that it is a box at someplace like a Mailboxes, Etc. where you have a street address and a box number.

Alternatively, when you are sending/posting your resume, indicate at the top that you are able and willing to relocate yourself at your own expense. Example:

John Doe

123 Main Street
B />Anytown US 00011


*I am available to relocate at my own expense with two week’s notice upon offer.*

It can be tough to leave your family and home to take a job several hundred or thousands of miles away. But it is even more difficult to be unable to pay your bills and feed your children. We do what we must in these tough times.

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