Announcement: Seattle Resume Workshop

I am pleased to announce that I will be conducting monthly resume workshops in the Seattle area commencing in June.

Your resume is your marketing and sales tool as a candidate. Conquent HR is pleased to announce that we are now accepting reservations for our resume workshops. In this 90 minute training you will learn how to write a resume that will get noticed by hiring managers and recruiters.

Covered Topics include:

* How to effectively use keywords so that your resume will always come up in keyword searches

* The way to tailor your resume and cover letter based on a job description

* Formats that work best for email, databases, and in

* person interviews

* What should

* and shouldn’t

* be on a resume

* How recruiters evaluate resumes and what hiring managers are looking for

* The difference between a competency and soft skill

* How long your resume should be

* What to do with references

* The most important pieces of information that should be part of your resume

* What, when, and how to use the proper format for your industry

Classes are limited to 35 participants to allow for interactive interchange between the instructor and students. Our next class is June 23rd at 7 PM. The cost is $65.

Please visit our web page to register.

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